Spearhead From Space marked huge changes to Doctor Who. It gave us a new leading man, and new companion, the return of the Brigadier, and perhaps the most significantly, it was shown in colour for the first time. The story gives us the first appearance of the Autons, those sinister window-shop dummies that made so many kids too terrified to go shopping. The show started a very famous era in the show’s history. It gave us UNIT, and a resounding change to the series format with the Doctor being exiled to Earth in Patrick Troughton’s last story The War Games.
The production team, Peter Bryant and Derrick Sherwin, thought this would help stretch the show’s meagre budget, however Terrance Dicks and producer Barry Letts were unconvinced this would work from an artistic point of view. How wrong they were. Robert Holmes’ story starts with the Nestene Consciousness’ attempt to take over the planet by taking the form of the superbly sinister mannequins which are creepy enough without the murderous intent.
Holmes’ story is remarkable, not just for the storyline, but also the wonderful characters. As he would prove further with stories like Talons of Weng Chiang, Holmes’ characters are second to none. The dynamic of the new series cast is established very early on with wonderful scenes, like for instance, the scene where the Doctor attempts to escape in his TARDIS, only to emerge a minute later surrounded by smoke. His embarrassed face is frowned upon by the Brigadier. Pertwee’s Doctor is less straight laced as he would later become, from him singing in the shower (where he reveals an intriguing tattoo…), it is great fun to watch his escape from the hospital and chase the ambulance in a wheelchair!
Spearhead’s original release had a modest amount of special features (or VAT) for the time; however this re-release does the story justice. Down to Earth, the release’s primary feature includes a wonderful 20 minute interview with Jon from 1994 where he discusses his casting with great humour. Derrick Sherwin also provides a new commentary along with Terrance Dicks, though I prefer the original with Nicholas Courtney and Caroline John. It’s clear from the commentary that he had very fond memories of working on the show. All in all, Spearhead From Space is a wonderful release which kicked off the most remarkable era of Who, and possibly my favourite. Definitely not one to miss.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
The Impossible Planet [6.1] - Episode Review by Chris Kerr
Series 6 couldn't come quick enough, eh? We sit there for four months on end, then, in March, a few trailers pop up. Then, the Internet goes into overload. Before you know it, WHAM! Doctor Who Online breaks it's 'Most Users Online' record just because people want to discuss a one minute-odd trailer. Isn't that magnificent?
We're 'rewarded' for our patience by the reveal of a 'Two Parter' opening the series.
And, the series opens with a bit of a romp; the 'Naked' Doctor underneath a Woman's skirt! Cheeky cheeky! Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Williams [And 'Ze Bump'!] are casually in their home watching the Doctor dance on TV. And they say Children are attention-seekers?! Blimey!
The next section takes place on the banks of Lake Silencio [What a coincidence, eh?] where the TARDIS Trio, joined by the ever-so-secretive River Song, are enjoying a wonderful picnic. There's beautiful cliffs to either end of them, there's the turquoise sea ahead of, there's a NASA Apollo Astronaut coming out of the water, there's...Wait...A NASA Apollo Astronaut? Coming out of the water?! That can't be right! Popping a Malteaser in my mouth, the eager fan in me nearly chokes on it when the Astronaut zaps the Doctor. And I mean very nearly! The sheer emotion in the Companions' acting was so intense! River's, "NOOOO!" and Amy's squeaky, "Doctor!" aswell as Rory's, "He can't be!" If people don't class that as great acting, I don't think they'll ever see 'Great Acting' in their life!
Heading to 1969, the year the Apollo 11 lands on The Moon, the TARDIS Crew [Joined by the miraculous return of a Younger Doctor!] all encounter a mysterious figure in a Black Suit. Amy witnesses one in a toilet, River sees one in underground Tunnels as does Rory. President Milhouse Nixon seems very calm about having a mysterious man in his Oval Office [Yes, Oval Office, Doctor. NOT the Oblong Room!] which made me feel quite sceptical about that scene. I felt as if they never put much thought into it. Unless he was so desperate to get rid of the Little Girl who keeps phoning him.
When Rory and River discovered the NegaTARDIS from the Lodger, I think I squealed [As well as nearly choking on ANOTHER Malteaser!] with excitement. Because, it opens up the possibility that the Silents were in Aickman Road. It explains why the people lured off the street were killed with Blue Electricity, wouldn't it? And, I always wondered why, when they got zapped, the camera moved from the 'murderer's POV'.
And, to top it all off, we get Amy Pond grasping the unconcious Canton's revolver and aims it at the approaching Astronaut. 'Will she shoot it?' I thought. Then, on the reveal of it being the Little Girl [Who didn't/doesn't appear to be 'there', as she keeps saying 'Help Me!'] I was certain she wouldn't shoot her. But, on the "What are doing?" "Saving your life" exchange, my heart sunk. Literally, it sunk. I felt sick on how emotional that scene was; the slow-motion effect, the echoing stomping of the Astronaut, the poor Girl's pleas for help and Amy shooting her.
10/10 for me as the acting in this was so emotional, so intense, so 'on-the-edge-of-your-seat' that I was in tears of sorrow, joy, fear and excitement.
Doctor Who has certainly stepped up from the past 5 years!
We're 'rewarded' for our patience by the reveal of a 'Two Parter' opening the series.
And, the series opens with a bit of a romp; the 'Naked' Doctor underneath a Woman's skirt! Cheeky cheeky! Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Williams [And 'Ze Bump'!] are casually in their home watching the Doctor dance on TV. And they say Children are attention-seekers?! Blimey!
The next section takes place on the banks of Lake Silencio [What a coincidence, eh?] where the TARDIS Trio, joined by the ever-so-secretive River Song, are enjoying a wonderful picnic. There's beautiful cliffs to either end of them, there's the turquoise sea ahead of, there's a NASA Apollo Astronaut coming out of the water, there's...Wait...A NASA Apollo Astronaut? Coming out of the water?! That can't be right! Popping a Malteaser in my mouth, the eager fan in me nearly chokes on it when the Astronaut zaps the Doctor. And I mean very nearly! The sheer emotion in the Companions' acting was so intense! River's, "NOOOO!" and Amy's squeaky, "Doctor!" aswell as Rory's, "He can't be!" If people don't class that as great acting, I don't think they'll ever see 'Great Acting' in their life!
Heading to 1969, the year the Apollo 11 lands on The Moon, the TARDIS Crew [Joined by the miraculous return of a Younger Doctor!] all encounter a mysterious figure in a Black Suit. Amy witnesses one in a toilet, River sees one in underground Tunnels as does Rory. President Milhouse Nixon seems very calm about having a mysterious man in his Oval Office [Yes, Oval Office, Doctor. NOT the Oblong Room!] which made me feel quite sceptical about that scene. I felt as if they never put much thought into it. Unless he was so desperate to get rid of the Little Girl who keeps phoning him.
When Rory and River discovered the NegaTARDIS from the Lodger, I think I squealed [As well as nearly choking on ANOTHER Malteaser!] with excitement. Because, it opens up the possibility that the Silents were in Aickman Road. It explains why the people lured off the street were killed with Blue Electricity, wouldn't it? And, I always wondered why, when they got zapped, the camera moved from the 'murderer's POV'.
And, to top it all off, we get Amy Pond grasping the unconcious Canton's revolver and aims it at the approaching Astronaut. 'Will she shoot it?' I thought. Then, on the reveal of it being the Little Girl [Who didn't/doesn't appear to be 'there', as she keeps saying 'Help Me!'] I was certain she wouldn't shoot her. But, on the "What are doing?" "Saving your life" exchange, my heart sunk. Literally, it sunk. I felt sick on how emotional that scene was; the slow-motion effect, the echoing stomping of the Astronaut, the poor Girl's pleas for help and Amy shooting her.
10/10 for me as the acting in this was so emotional, so intense, so 'on-the-edge-of-your-seat' that I was in tears of sorrow, joy, fear and excitement.
Doctor Who has certainly stepped up from the past 5 years!
Friday, 20 May 2011
Doctor Who: Character Building Mini Figures
As you all will now, Character Options have now released the Character Building line, which is proving to be very successful! We thought it may be handy to know the ratio and rareness of the Doctor Who line, so you know just how rare your figures are!
Eleventh Doctor [Jacketed and red shirt - Common] 8:36
Cyberman [Common] 5:36
Dalek Drone [Common] 5:36
Dalek Strategist [Uncommon] 3:36
Amy Pond [Uncommon] 4:36
Weeping Angel [Screaming - Uncommon] 4:36
Silurian General Restac [Uncommon] 3:36
Smiler [Uncommon] 2:36
Eleventh Doctor [Jacketless and blue shirt - Rare] 1:36
Weeping Angel [Serene - Rare] 1:36
Cyberman [Common] 5:36
Dalek Drone [Common] 5:36
Dalek Strategist [Uncommon] 3:36
Amy Pond [Uncommon] 4:36
Weeping Angel [Screaming - Uncommon] 4:36
Silurian General Restac [Uncommon] 3:36
Smiler [Uncommon] 2:36
Eleventh Doctor [Jacketless and blue shirt - Rare] 1:36
Weeping Angel [Serene - Rare] 1:36
The Character Building mini figures are available to buy for just £1.99 each from all good toy retailers.
Character Building Website [www.characterbuilding.eu]
Character Options have now added a site dedicated to their Character Building range, this covers both their Doctor Who and HM Armed Forces line.
On the site, you can be in with the chance of winning some excellent goodies and catching up on the latest releases!
Check it out at http://www.characterbuilding.eu/
Doctor Who: Character Building - The TARDIS Mini Set by Will Young
Now, as a few of you will already be aware, I am a MASSIVE Lego Fan and of course a HUGE Doctor Who Fan too, and as soon as this little gem caught my eye, and I couldn't wait for them to be released!
The Doctor Who TARDIS Mini Set allows you to build your very own TARDIS and re-create adventures in time and space with the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. The TARDIS, is the Doctor's vehicle and home that can take him to any place and any time. The Set itself includes a fully constructible TARDIS, as well as a fully articulated Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond Micro-Figure.
I am sure that everyone will probably try to compare this to 'normal' Lego, and the two are actually compatible with one another, which is also rather handy too. However, it's a bit 'chalk and cheese' if you ask me and I would keep them separate from one another

It consists of 53 pieces and, as you can tell from the picture above, the figures themselves are understandably not very detailed as this is building blocks we are dealing with and they obviously won't have the same human characteristics that some Toys/Figures are able to have, but they are probably 'cute' enough to make you forget all about that and still find them relatively nice to display anyway. However, I believe that they have at least made a good attempt when it comes to details such as the outfits etc, so we can't complain too much!
Overall, I found this a relatively good Set, and it's not too taxing to construct either, the hardest part is probably applying the stickers. I would say about 15-20 minutes would be about right. I think it's a MUST for any fellow Lego/Doctor Who Fan, and at the small sum of just £9.99 you can't really go wrong either.
The Doctor Who TARDIS Mini Set allows you to build your very own TARDIS and re-create adventures in time and space with the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. The TARDIS, is the Doctor's vehicle and home that can take him to any place and any time. The Set itself includes a fully constructible TARDIS, as well as a fully articulated Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond Micro-Figure.
I am sure that everyone will probably try to compare this to 'normal' Lego, and the two are actually compatible with one another, which is also rather handy too. However, it's a bit 'chalk and cheese' if you ask me and I would keep them separate from one another
It consists of 53 pieces and, as you can tell from the picture above, the figures themselves are understandably not very detailed as this is building blocks we are dealing with and they obviously won't have the same human characteristics that some Toys/Figures are able to have, but they are probably 'cute' enough to make you forget all about that and still find them relatively nice to display anyway. However, I believe that they have at least made a good attempt when it comes to details such as the outfits etc, so we can't complain too much!
Overall, I found this a relatively good Set, and it's not too taxing to construct either, the hardest part is probably applying the stickers. I would say about 15-20 minutes would be about right. I think it's a MUST for any fellow Lego/Doctor Who Fan, and at the small sum of just £9.99 you can't really go wrong either.
Doctor Who : Character Building - Dalek Progenitor Room Mini Set by Will Young
Now, as a few of you will already be aware, I am a MASSIVE Lego Fan and of course a HUGE Doctor Who Fan too, and as soon as this little gem caught my eye, and I couldn't wait for it to be released!
The Doctor Who Dalek Progenitor Room Mini Set, allows you to join the Doctor on the Dalek Spaceship where you can help the Doctor save the day and finally defeat his oldest enemy. The set itself includes a highly detailed construction base, as well as a Dalek: The Supreme, micro-figure.
I am sure that everyone will probably try to compare this to 'normal' Lego, and the two are actually compatible with one another, which is also rather handy too. However, it's a bit 'chalk and cheese' if you ask me and I would keep them separate from one another

It consists of 188 pieces and, the figures themselves are highly detailed, especially when it comes to The Supreme Dalek Figure.
Overall, I found this a relatively good Set, and I preferred it to the previous TARDIS Mini Set and again, it's not too taxing to construct either, the hardest part is probably applying the stickers. I would say about 15-20 minutes would be about right. I think it's a MUST for any fellow Lego/Doctor Who Fan, and at the small sum of just £9.99 you can't really go wrong either!
The Doctor Who Dalek Progenitor Room Mini Set, allows you to join the Doctor on the Dalek Spaceship where you can help the Doctor save the day and finally defeat his oldest enemy. The set itself includes a highly detailed construction base, as well as a Dalek: The Supreme, micro-figure.
I am sure that everyone will probably try to compare this to 'normal' Lego, and the two are actually compatible with one another, which is also rather handy too. However, it's a bit 'chalk and cheese' if you ask me and I would keep them separate from one another
It consists of 188 pieces and, the figures themselves are highly detailed, especially when it comes to The Supreme Dalek Figure.
Overall, I found this a relatively good Set, and I preferred it to the previous TARDIS Mini Set and again, it's not too taxing to construct either, the hardest part is probably applying the stickers. I would say about 15-20 minutes would be about right. I think it's a MUST for any fellow Lego/Doctor Who Fan, and at the small sum of just £9.99 you can't really go wrong either!
The Time Warrior Set - Forbidden Planet - [1/6/11]
The Time Warrior Set
Forbidden Planet Exclusive
Journalist Sarah Jane Smith covertly gains access to a research centre where top scientists are being held in protective custody whilst UNIT investigates the disappearance of a number of their colleagues. The missing scientists have been kidnapped by a Sontaran, Linx, and taken back to medieval England, where they are working under hypnosis to repair his crashed spaceship.
The Third Doctor follows in the TARDIS, and Sarah Jane stows away. In return for shelter, Linx has provided a robber baron called Irongron with anachronistically advanced weapons to use in attacks on neighbouring castles.
The Doctor helps Sir Edward of Wessex to repel one such attack, then he and Sarah Jane conspire to drug the food in Irongron's kitchens so that the weapons can be removed while the men are unconscious. Aided by one of the kidnapped scientists, Rubeish, he then sends the others back to the 20th Century using Linx's primitive time travel equipment.
Linx shoots Irongron down and gets ready to leave in his repaired ship. Hal, one of Sir Edward's archers, fires an arrow into the vulnerable probic vent at the back of his neck, killing him. The Doctor, Sarah Jane and Hal escape just before the ship explodes, destroying the castle.
In this exclusive set we present the Classic Sontaran: Commander Linx and his iconic Sontaran space ship along with the Third Doctor in Green Jacket and Sonic Screwdriver.
Contents :
1 x Third Doctor in Green Jacket action figure and Sonic Screwdriver
1 x Sontaran Commander Linx action figure with helmet and gun
1 x Sontaran Ship
The Time Warrior Set is released on 1st June 2011, priced £34.99.
Pre-Order the set from Forbidden Planet International now!
Forbidden Planet Exclusive
Journalist Sarah Jane Smith covertly gains access to a research centre where top scientists are being held in protective custody whilst UNIT investigates the disappearance of a number of their colleagues. The missing scientists have been kidnapped by a Sontaran, Linx, and taken back to medieval England, where they are working under hypnosis to repair his crashed spaceship.
The Third Doctor follows in the TARDIS, and Sarah Jane stows away. In return for shelter, Linx has provided a robber baron called Irongron with anachronistically advanced weapons to use in attacks on neighbouring castles.
The Doctor helps Sir Edward of Wessex to repel one such attack, then he and Sarah Jane conspire to drug the food in Irongron's kitchens so that the weapons can be removed while the men are unconscious. Aided by one of the kidnapped scientists, Rubeish, he then sends the others back to the 20th Century using Linx's primitive time travel equipment.
Linx shoots Irongron down and gets ready to leave in his repaired ship. Hal, one of Sir Edward's archers, fires an arrow into the vulnerable probic vent at the back of his neck, killing him. The Doctor, Sarah Jane and Hal escape just before the ship explodes, destroying the castle.
In this exclusive set we present the Classic Sontaran: Commander Linx and his iconic Sontaran space ship along with the Third Doctor in Green Jacket and Sonic Screwdriver.
Contents :
1 x Third Doctor in Green Jacket action figure and Sonic Screwdriver
1 x Sontaran Commander Linx action figure with helmet and gun
1 x Sontaran Ship
The Time Warrior Set is released on 1st June 2011, priced £34.99.
Pre-Order the set from Forbidden Planet International now!
The Time Monster Set - Forbidden Planet - [19/6/11]
The Time Monster Set
Forbidden Planet Exclusive
The Master, back on Earth has constructed a device to gain control over Kronos, a creature from outside of the time vortex. He uses the device but it proves dangerously unstable. The Third Doctor arrives and shuts down experiment but the Master reactivates it, using it to ensnare a High Priest of the lost city of Atlantis, and then to attack UNIT forces.
The Master takes travels back to Atlantis in his TARDIS, now in the guise of an advanced computer bank, to steal the sacred Crystal of Kronos with which he hopes to dominate Kronos. The Doctor follows in his TARDIS with Jo Grant but can’t prevent his enemy destroying Atlantis.
Escaping in their TARDIS’s the Doctor and the Master confront each other within the time vortex where the Doctor threatens to 'time ram' the Master’s TARDIS, a huge explosion caused by two or more TARDISes trying to materialise in the same place in Space and Time. The Doctor cannot bring himself do it, but Jo operates the controls and the two TARDIS’s collide.
Instead of the expected explosion both TARDISes reappear in a strange void. The ‘time ram’ energy has released Kronos, who agrees to return the Doctor and Jo to Earth but, plans to destroy the Master. The Doctor intervenes and pleads for mercy on the Master’s behalf ensuring he too goes free.
Forbidden Planet Exclusive
The Master, back on Earth has constructed a device to gain control over Kronos, a creature from outside of the time vortex. He uses the device but it proves dangerously unstable. The Third Doctor arrives and shuts down experiment but the Master reactivates it, using it to ensnare a High Priest of the lost city of Atlantis, and then to attack UNIT forces.
The Master takes travels back to Atlantis in his TARDIS, now in the guise of an advanced computer bank, to steal the sacred Crystal of Kronos with which he hopes to dominate Kronos. The Doctor follows in his TARDIS with Jo Grant but can’t prevent his enemy destroying Atlantis.
Escaping in their TARDIS’s the Doctor and the Master confront each other within the time vortex where the Doctor threatens to 'time ram' the Master’s TARDIS, a huge explosion caused by two or more TARDISes trying to materialise in the same place in Space and Time. The Doctor cannot bring himself do it, but Jo operates the controls and the two TARDIS’s collide.
Instead of the expected explosion both TARDISes reappear in a strange void. The ‘time ram’ energy has released Kronos, who agrees to return the Doctor and Jo to Earth but, plans to destroy the Master. The Doctor intervenes and pleads for mercy on the Master’s behalf ensuring he too goes free.
1 x The Master action figure
1 x Crystal of Kronos fragment accessory
1 x The Doctor's time sensor device accessory
1 x Master's TARDIS as a computer bank
1 x Master's TCE accessory
1 x Crystal of Kronos fragment accessory
1 x The Doctor's time sensor device accessory
1 x Master's TARDIS as a computer bank
1 x Master's TCE accessory
The Time Monster Set is released on 19th June 2011, priced £19.99.
Pre-Order this set from Forbidden Planet International now!
Series 6, Wave 1 Figures
2011 5" Action Figures - Wave 1
Recreate scenes from Doctor Who with these incredibly detailed fully articulated 5-inch action figures. Characters include the Eleventh Doctor and key villains from the hit TV show. Styles may vary. One supplied. For ages 5 years and over.
Wave includes the following figures:
- Nephew Ood
- Doctor in Stetson
- Amelia Pond
- Silent (Mouth Open)
- Silent (Mouth Closed)
+ The 2011 5" Action Figures - Wave 1 are released on 16th June 2011, priced £9.99 each.
Wave includes the following figures:
- Nephew Ood
- Doctor in Stetson
- Amelia Pond
- Silent (Mouth Open)
- Silent (Mouth Closed)
+ The 2011 5" Action Figures - Wave 1 are released on 16th June 2011, priced £9.99 each.
Pre-Order these figures from Forbidden Planet International for just £8.99
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