Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Impossible Planet [6.1] - Episode Review by Chris Kerr

Series 6 couldn't come quick enough, eh? We sit there for four months on end, then, in March, a few trailers pop up. Then, the Internet goes into overload. Before you know it, WHAM! Doctor Who Online breaks it's 'Most Users Online' record just because people want to discuss a one minute-odd trailer. Isn't that magnificent?
We're 'rewarded' for our patience by the reveal of a 'Two Parter' opening the series.
And, the series opens with a bit of a romp; the 'Naked' Doctor underneath a Woman's skirt! Cheeky cheeky! Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Williams [And 'Ze Bump'!] are casually in their home watching the Doctor dance on TV. And they say Children are attention-seekers?! Blimey!
The next section takes place on the banks of Lake Silencio [What a coincidence, eh?] where the TARDIS Trio, joined by the ever-so-secretive River Song, are enjoying a wonderful picnic. There's beautiful cliffs to either end of them, there's the turquoise sea ahead of, there's a NASA Apollo Astronaut coming out of the water, there's...Wait...A NASA Apollo Astronaut? Coming out of the water?! That can't be right! Popping a Malteaser in my mouth, the eager fan in me nearly chokes on it when the Astronaut zaps the Doctor. And I mean very nearly! The sheer emotion in the Companions' acting was so intense! River's, "NOOOO!" and Amy's squeaky, "Doctor!" aswell as Rory's, "He can't be!" If people don't class that as great acting, I don't think they'll ever see 'Great Acting' in their life!
Heading to 1969, the year the Apollo 11 lands on The Moon, the TARDIS Crew [Joined by the miraculous return of a Younger Doctor!] all encounter a mysterious figure in a Black Suit. Amy witnesses one in a toilet, River sees one in underground Tunnels as does Rory. President Milhouse Nixon seems very calm about having a mysterious man in his Oval Office [Yes, Oval Office, Doctor. NOT the Oblong Room!] which made me feel quite sceptical about that scene. I felt as if they never put much thought into it. Unless he was so desperate to get rid of the Little Girl who keeps phoning him.
When Rory and River discovered the NegaTARDIS from the Lodger, I think I squealed [As well as nearly choking on ANOTHER Malteaser!] with excitement. Because, it opens up the possibility that the Silents were in Aickman Road. It explains why the people lured off the street were killed with Blue Electricity, wouldn't it? And, I always wondered why, when they got zapped, the camera moved from the 'murderer's POV'.
And, to top it all off, we get Amy Pond grasping the unconcious Canton's revolver and aims it at the approaching Astronaut. 'Will she shoot it?' I thought. Then, on the reveal of it being the Little Girl [Who didn't/doesn't appear to be 'there', as she keeps saying 'Help Me!'] I was certain she wouldn't shoot her. But, on the "What are doing?" "Saving your life" exchange, my heart sunk. Literally, it sunk. I felt sick on how emotional that scene was; the slow-motion effect, the echoing stomping of the Astronaut, the poor Girl's pleas for help and Amy shooting her.

10/10 for me as the acting in this was so emotional, so intense, so 'on-the-edge-of-your-seat' that I was in tears of sorrow, joy, fear and excitement.
Doctor Who has certainly stepped up from the past 5 years!

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