Sunday, 17 April 2011

The Eleventh Hour Review by Christopher Kerr [Part 1]

*Seeker, I shall PM you part 2 later.I need to log off now.

To be fair, folks, these reviews will ask more questions than Series 5 answered.

[The Eleventh Hour (1/13)]
We are introduced to Series 5 by a, let's face it, rather comical 'prequel'; the Doctor hanging onto the edge of the TARDIS, screwdriver in mouth, TARDIS flying without a pilot...Now, I'm amazed hardly anyone has brought up these questions: Why is he hanging out of the TARDIS and why is it flying 'itself'? Hmm...Interesting.
Crash-landing in a beautiful garden, surrounding a big house (Perhaps too big...), the newly regenerated Eleventh Doctor emerges from his damaged TARDIS.I often wondered: why hasn't this happened before? Every regeneration has been a straight-forward morph into the next doctor but Ten into Eleven was quite dramatic and violent.Quite a coincidence that Amelia prayed for 'Santa' to come and fix her crack.
After spitting out beans, scoffing on yoghurt, gagging at bacon and settling for fish fingers and custard, the pair eventually investigate Amelia's crack in the wall.Someone clearly doesn't want anyone to go near it, as the Doctor is shot by a blast of energy.On examining the crack, the Doctor discovers it's 'two parts of time and space that should never have touched'. Now, what 'parts of time and space that should never have touched' is he on about? There's too many possibilities! After promising Amelia to return in a minute, the Doctor returns to her 12 years later.Wow! It's bad when it's a one year gap ala Aliens Of London but 12 years? Blimey!

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