Friday, 15 April 2011

Revelation of the Daleks Collectors Set by Gareth Thomas

Action Figure Collectors Set: Revelation Of The Daleks [5/4/11]
Reviewing Character Options Sixth Doctor with Davros, Necros Dalek & Skaro Dalek

OK, starting with the Sixth Doctor Colin Baker in blue cloak, The Revelation Set Sixth Doctor figure is the same as the first carded collect and build figure from 2008 that went onto be re-released with the Stealth Cyberman last year. With this variant, the figure has the beautiful removeable cloak which comes off easily. No Sonic Lance in this release but the figure is wonderfully accurate, the only downside I have found is the cloak causes a slight inbalance which is easily rectified by some re-posturing.

We move on to The Revelation Davros, ok for those people that might have missed it the microphone is now on the opposite side which is a nice touch as its totally screen correct, the control panel buttons have been painted differently, Davros still has the reveal panel from Resurrection and includes a swappable hand, the hand simply pulls out with a little effort and you can attach a blood soaked stump.

Next we have the Skaro Dalek, at first glance this is very similar to the Resurrection Dalek release but look closer and you will find subtle differences, the first being a slightly darker paint job you will also find the base is double tiered the mesh has silver highlighting and the eye rings are of a different arrangement.

Saving the best till last we have the Necros Dalek, this Dalek is one of the more unique models in its white, gold and black colour scheme, this Dalek again has a double tiered base but differ's as it is split into half black and then half white. not totally screen accurate as their should be a noticable gap between main body and dome section also the base configuration is wrong but on the whole character options have done incredibly well.

Overall, the set is excellent, it is a nice set to play with or display, obviously some will moan about the repetitive Dalek/Davros releases but you can't knock the effort that has been put into developing and releasing the classic Dalek range, and personally I love the range.
I would give the Revelation Of The Daleks collectors set 8/10.

By Gareth Thomas

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